About Visceral work
Viscera - the organs in the cavities of the body
The fascia of the organs has strong affects on the structure. Organs are designed to cooperate with body's needs for alignment, balance and movement. The viscera is wrapped in fascia and connected to other structures to fascia. When is an inhibition in an area of the visceral fascia it will interfere with the capacity to move in this particular area of the body. Any forced movement through visceral restriction could injure or greatly inhibit the function of the viscera. It is rarely the case that the body will allow the viscera to be affected in this way.
“ The body honors visceral ease first and structural wellness second.”
Liz Gaggini
Instead, the body will inhibit the myofascial and bony structures to protect and create ease in the viscera. It is very natural to protect the organs, I would like to use this comparation as an example: we can live life without an arm or a leg, but without most of the organs life isn´t possible.
Releasing strains in the visceral fascia can be very helpful in enhancing visceral functions, core transmission and organizing the spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle.
Like it was indicated previously the fascia is running to the whole body "Everything Is Connected to Everything Else". And that's why I am capable to address so many visceral dysfunctions. Especially the idiopathic one.
Digestive dysfunctions
Esophageal reflux, swallowing disorders-dysphagia, bloating after eating, gastritis, colitis, inflammation of the intestines, problems with emptying, chronic constipation
Respiratory dysfunctions
Heaviness/stinging/pressure on the chest, on the ribs, shortness of breath, lump in the throat, inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract
Circulatory dysfunctions
Circulation disorders, pain in limbs from ischemia, cold limbs, edema and swelling, painful lymph nodes, hypertension, arrhythmia, tachy/bradycardia, hemorrhoids, varicocele
Endocrine dysfunctions
subclinical hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism, premenstrual syndrome, myastenia gravis, adrenal gland disregulation
Urological & Sexual dysfunctions
Renal calculus/kidney stones, "kidney pain", urinary retention or incontinence, urinary tract infections. urinary tract and bladder, prostatitis, painful urination, erectile dysfunction, potency disorders and sterility
Gynecological dysfunctions
Dysmenorrhea, problematic menstruation, sterility, ovarian cysts, pain in the lower abdomen
Visceral work in
Rolifing® Structural Integration
The ultimate goal of structural integration is to integrated the person in the gravity field of our planet. It means that the human structure can express support, continuity and adaptability. And the visceral work is a great tool in achieving this goal.


We have a saying in Rolfing "One visceral session can be sometimes like 10 sessions"
On the left (girl) are results after 10 sessions and on the right (young man) are the results after 3 session including specific visceral work. This pictures server to display the possible changes when one work also with the visceral part. Please don't create false hopes, everybody is and lives different and so the results depends from person to person.
From who I learned Visceral work
The visceral work which I learned is the result of Liz Gaggini’s 25 years studying and practicing visceral manipulation and her ongoing attempts to find value in visceral techniques for structural work. This work represents a safe and profoundly healing way of working with the fascia of the viscera that greatly helps with the goals of Structural Integration. My teacher was and is Liz student, Alyssa Dodson from US.
Second teachers, is Antonio Stecco from which I am also still learning how to approach various Visceral dysfunctions. With his father and his sister they continue to study how manipulated fascia (Fascial Manipulation - FM). FM refocuses the attention from the treatment of the consequences to the the treatment of the cause. This is quite different from approaches which focus on symptoms. For example, an organ is symptomatic, one examines that organ only. Or a specific musculoskeletal area is symptomatic, examines only that isolated site. This often brings suboptimal results.